Sleep disturbances - Revive Hormone Institute

Sleep disturbances affect nearly everyone at some point. They occur when you have difficulty falling or staying asleep, which leads to daytime fatigue or sleepiness. Common sleep disturbances include:

What causes sleep disturbances? There are often multiple factors involved: Consequences of sleep disturbances include: If you struggle with sleep issues, the medical providers at Revive Hormone Institute can help. We specialize in using bioidentical hormone therapy to treat the root causes of sleep disorders. Schedule a consultation today to discuss customized treatment plans! To alleviate sleep disturbances, try making both daytime and nighttime adjustments: If self-help strategies don't improve your sleep, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. They can recommend cognitive behavioral therapy, sleep medications, or medical devices like CPAP for sleep apnea. Ignoring persistent sleep problems can negatively impact both physical and mental health. Getting adequate, high-quality sleep is crucial for health and well-being. Don't hesitate to seek professional treatment if you regularly struggle with sleep disturbances - help is available!

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