Night sweats - Revive Hormone Institute

What are night sweats?

Night sweats refer to severe hot flashes and sweating that occurs during sleep. They are a common symptom of menopause and perimenopause in middle-aged women as hormone levels change. However, night sweats may also be caused by medical conditions like infections, cancer, or hormone disorders.

What Causes Night Sweats?

Menopause is the most common cause as the body's estrogen levels decline. But other factors can also trigger excessive night sweats:

For many women, hormone replacement therapy helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats during menopause. Speak to your doctor about treatment options.

Finding Relief through Hormone Balance

If you're struggling with disruptive night sweats, consider getting your hormones tested. Revive Hormone Institute provides cutting-edge hormone testing and personalized treatment plans to help both men and women achieve optimal hormone balance. Their expert physicians and compounding pharmacy can prescribe bioidentical hormones tailored to your needs.

With Revive Hormone Institute, you'll get back to sleeping peacefully through the night! Their integrative approach addresses the root causes of hormone issues rather than just masking the symptoms. Contact Revive Hormone Institute today for a consultation.

Take control of night sweats. Contact Revive Hormone Institute today.

When to See a Doctor

You should make an appointment with your doctor if you regularly experience:

Night sweats along with other signs like chills or breathing issues can indicate an underlying illness that requires prompt evaluation and treatment. It's important to rule out possible medical causes before attributing night sweats solely to menopause or aging.

Getting to the bottom of excessive sweating at night can help you sleep better and avoid the effects of sleep deprivation on health. In many cases, making lifestyle changes or taking medications recommended by your doctor can effectively address the problem.

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