Do dogs have menopause symptoms? - Revive Hormone Institute

Dogs do not experience menopause in the same way that humans do. However, senior and geriatric dogs can experience changes and symptoms associated with aging that mirror some menopause symptoms in humans. As female dogs age, typically past 6-8 years old, their ovaries slow down production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Since dogs do not actually have a menopause the way women do, they do not completely stop having heat cycles. However, the cycles often become irregular as dogs get older. Some key changes elderly female dogs may experience:

Symptoms similar to menopause in aging dogs: Caring for an aging "menopausal" dog: The compassionate veterinarians and staff at Revive Hormone Institute understand the unique health needs of aging dogs and cats. We provide specialized senior pet care including diagnostic testing, prescription diets, pain management, cancer treatments and end of life care. As your pet transitions into their "golden years", we partner with you to maximize their comfort, quality of life and time with your family. Contact us today to schedule a senior wellness exam!

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